g301 2024 adaptive reuse
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
wood diagram 2023 graphic design
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
n45 lobby 2023 multifamily residential
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
c287 facade & kitchen 2022 residential
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
cybernetix house 2022 adaptive reuse
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
deconstruction poster 2022 graphic design
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. deconstruction
circular industry center 2022 bachelor thesis
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. assembly
thesis book
arcgis clay map
resources & precedents
interrobang magazine 2022 publication
the 2021-22 publication from Inter · Punct - an ongoing publication run by Carnegie Mellon students. Interro Bang is a magazine series that is made up of student writings and images focussed on urgent questions. inter punct
descriptive geometry 2022 geometry
homework assignments for descriptive geometry. an exercise in transforming geometry in space pre computer modeling. all geometries by Sam Losi
fucvam casestudy poster 2021 case study
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
new granada theater 2021 adaptive reuse
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
m194 2021 office concept
a proposal for an office space on an infill lot with a heavy timber structure and extruded terracotta facade. the lightwells elevate solar PV's and draw light into the two rooftop greenhouses. the rear facade terraces are shaded by a mesh on which vegetation would grow, shading the interior offices from direct light during the summer.
helsinki design museum 2020 museum
a proposal for the new home of the Helsinki Design Museum, the building would serve as both a space for viewing works of Finnish Design as well as a communal center for the city housing public amenities. the site of the museum is Kasarmitori Plaza Square, a public plaza that attracts heavy pedestrian traffic. In order to facilitate this, the building is directly embedded into the urban fabric minimally disrupting existing movement paths. the design blurs the line between exterior and interior space through the use of topographic surface and a clear central transparency from the street facade spilling out into the plaza. the topography of this central pathway is an extension of the plaza, bringing public outdoor space to the interior of the building. two additional areas of research that influenced the architecture of the museum were vernacular design as well as local materiality. informed by the icons of Finnish design which were often inspired by the natural resources directly available to them, the use of local timber guided the structural logic of the building. the heavy timber structure of the museum would be sourced from nearby forests and fabricated into glulam beams acting as both the structural elements and as a mechanism for dividing interior space into programmatic zones. the local and regenerative nature of this source material means the building would be both a direct reflection of regional vernacular and an example of sustainable low carbon construction.
breath eco lab 2020 moving lab
the breath mobile lab is the winning entry for the 2020 epic metals design competition. the project brief was to create a mobile lab to be used for monitoring air quality across Pittsburgh while fitting within the footprint of a 20ft. trailer and using metal decking as the primary construction material. the proposed design takes advantage of the flexible nature of corrugated sheet metal creating a curved interior space that peels away to reveal gill-inspired openings that house sensors. while the lab provides a small interior space for education and a retractable outdoor terrace, the main feature, a large LED screen on the facade, displays live air quality data to passerbys through a gradient visualization. project in collaboration with Ammar Hassonjee
black box collages 2020 narrative collage
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
garfield environmental center 2020 school
the environmental learning center acts as a center for community gathering and public education in the neighborhood of Garfield. the building itself is sited in a block of currently vacant parcels and terracing the sloped terrain to create an outdoor amphitheater like seating space against the building's west exterior facing facade. the building design makes use of natural materials, a well insulated continuous building envelope, strategic solar shading, and a sawtooth roof geometry that houses southern facing PV's and collects greywater for direct use in the exterior landscaping.
spring valley youth hostel 2019 adaptive reuse
located in the Spring Garden neighborhood of Pittsburgh’s Northside, the youth hostel is an adaptive reuse project meant to provide a new public meeting place for the existing community as well as a sanctuary for travelers. the design of the hostel is directly informed by its context, integrating into the existing brick enclosure of a vacant industrial building while also drawing inspiration from the valley it is situated in. the sweeping roof form that channels collected rainwater to the central courtyard is also inspired by the natural drainage of a valley. this parabolic curve channels water down to planters in the central courtyard through vertical chains transforming the experience of the hostel during rainy weather. the final design for the hostel brings together both the industrial roots and unique topography of Spring Garden to create a gathering place for all ages in one of Pittsburgh’s oldest neighborhoods.
museum of weather 2019 museum
six mile island, a 1,000 foot island in the Allegheny river north of Pittsburgh, is the site for the weather museum. the project looks to create a space that reveals environmental patterns and systems to its visitors, specifically, water purification and flooding. during the early stages of the project, research about stormwater management and sewage outfalls into Pittsburgh rivers led to the use of wetland and bioswale design principles becoming integral part of the design. rather than being placed on the existing island, the museum emerges from the terraformed landscape of the island, integrating waterways and larger wetlands into the terrain. As a result, the tranformed island is able to intake polluted river and rain water, naturally filtering it as it passes through the soil and roots embedded in the earthen retaining walls.
city as form 2019 case study
a brief zine studying the density of urbanization surrounding one of the houses I grew up in.
saco lake bathhouse 2019 bathhouse
a bath house located deep in the rocky white mountains of New Hampshire, the main intention of the design is was to embed the space into the natural granite just below the surface. to do so, the structure carves a space into the mountain while allowing rock to protrude into the interior blurring the lines between human intervention and the natural environment, drawing inspiration from nearby granite quarries. to redirect natural light into the space, three cantilevered arms extend out to the landscape, framing scenic views of the landscape while providing contrast to the cavernous interior.
furniture 2019 design build
furniture design project making use of scrap steel and digital fabrication tools. project in collaboration with Davis Dunaway
hoop house 2018 design build
the hoop house was designed to be a small scale greenhouse for a 4’ x 8’ planter bed at the Phipps Conservatory edible garden exhibit. the concept behind the design was to create a system that could offer flexible access to all regions of the planter bed while remaining simple and easy to use. the final design was a telescoping, three module nesting system that would slide along 3 outer rails fixed to the planter bed. project in collaboration with Isabella Giammatteo, Lukas Hermann, Carly Sacco, Maya Greenholt
urban agriculture center 2018 cultural space
situated in Garland Park in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty neighborhood, the initial idea for this project was to create a courtyard garden experience within the existing park. the program is centered around the two enclosed green-spaces that support a local public farmers market and community greenhouse. the street facing mass houses the lobby, office spaces, classrooms and a lecture space while the side adjacent to the park consists of the greenhouse and covered market space. the secondary driver of the form was the roof which directly relates to the environment by collecting rainwater and shading the interior spaces based on the sun's position. the sloping forms of the roofs create two opposing points of greywater runoff collection in which planter beds might be located